17 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi


Week 2-3-4-5-6-7-8:

words, definitions and sentences from: Vocabulary Builder (Mobile App.)

synonyms from: http://www.thesaurus.com/

Week 9-10-11-12:

sentences and some definitions from: http://www.yourdictionary.com/  

words from: http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/wordlist/english/academic/ (week 9) -  article hard copy (week 10-11-12)

synonyms from: http://www.thesaurus.com/

Week 12

mingle: physically join (verb)

   synonym: blend / intermingle / meld

     After his final peace with Seleucus, Ptolemy no longer engaged actively in war, although his forces might occasionally mingle in the broils of Asia Minor, and he supported the enemies of Macedonia in Greece.

comprehensionunderstanding (noun)

   synonym: apprehension / awareness / apperception

     "Carmen," he groaned in a singular expression of comprehension and grief.

assessment: the definition of an assessment is a test or analysis (noun)

   synonym: appraisal / estimate / judgment / computation

     Talal's assessment of there being something wrong returned to her.

inclinedhaving a preference (adjective)

   synonym: apt / prone / willing / disposed

     She was inclined to decline his offer.

apparent : seeming, not proven real (adjective)

   synonym: possible / probable / supposed

     It was apparent by the look on Jackson's face.

struggle: hard try; fight to win (noun)

   synonym: attempt / battle / clash

     Every struggle is a victory.

Week 11

intonation: the definition of intonation is the way the pitch of your voice goes up and down as you talk or reciting something by singing it. (noun)

   synonym: accent / articulation / emphasis

     But there is a wealth of verbal derivatives, the vocabulary is copious, and the intonation harmonious.

reinforce: to reinforce is defined as to increase the number or amount, or to make stronger. (verb)

   synonym: add to / bolster / boost

     She nudged Leyon aside to punch another set of buttons and issued an order to reinforce the failing efforts there

vice-versa: with the order reversed (adverb)

   synonym: about-face / again / backwards

     As long as my friend Mike places first and my friend Joe places second, or vice versa, I will be happy!

mentorperson who advises (noun)

   synonym: adviser / coach / guide / instructor

     It's unfortunate you don't have a mentor to show you more about your talents.

nominate: designate, select (verb)

   synonym: appoint / assign / choose

     The time had now come (1880) when the Republican party must nominate a candidate for the presidency.

contribute: donate, provide (verb)

   synonym: add / commit / devote

     You all contribute to what we're doing.

stigmatisation: condemnation, criticism (noun)

   synonym: accusation / censure / denouncement

     Leo, the saint's favourite disciple and companion on Mount Alverno at the time, which describes the circumstances of the stigmatization; Elias of Cortona, the acting superior, wrote on the day after his death a circular letter wherein he uses language clearly implying that he had himself seen the Stigmata, and there is a considerable amount of contemporary authentic second hand evidence.

Week 10

tackle: equipment for activity (noun)

   synonym: accouterment / apparatus / appliance

     While I hadn't formulated in my mind how to tackle the problem, I resolved to attack it one on one and keep animosity at bay.

questionnaire: questionnaire is a form or a document that contains a series of questions to be answered (noun)

   synonym: application / census / sampling / survey

     Teachers have questionaires

vice-versa: with the order reversed (adverb)

   synonym: about-face / again / backwards

     As long as my friend Mike places first and my friend Joe places second, or vice versa, I will be happy!

mentorperson who advises (noun)

   synonym: adviser / coach / guide / instructor

     It's unfortunate you don't have a mentor to show you more about your talents.

productive: fruitful, creative (adjective)

   synonym: advantageous / beneficial / constructive

     Saturday and Sunday were both productive days with four sessions taking place each day

irrespective: without regard (adjective)

   synonym: heedless / inattentive / regardless / careless

     The same year he ordered a census and a land-survey to be taken, to enable him to tax every one irrespective of birth or wealth.

consolidate: combine; make firm (verb)

   synonym: build up / cement / centralize

     He left the Sanctuary to help his dealers consolidate the souls.

Week 9

acquisition: obtaining or receiving (noun)

   synonym: addition / gain / procurement

     She continues to make rapid progress in the acquisition of language as her experiences increase.

indistinct: obscure, ambiguous (adjectives)

   synonym: bleared / bleary / blurred

     The path became more indistinct with each step, eventually coming to an end in dense underbrush.

invesment: something given, lent for a return (noun)

   synonym: asset / contribution /expenditurestar

     Your investment would be for naught.

institution: organization (noun)

   synonym: academy / association / business

     The laundress at the Perkins Institution secretly carried her off to give her a bath.

resourceful: able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations. (adjective)

   synonym: active / adventurous / aggressive

     She was the most resourceful Guardian he knew.

advocacy: the definition of advocacy is the act of speaking on the behalf of or in support of another person, place, or thing (noun)

   synonym: advancement / assistance / backing

     Perhaps the greatest service he rendered to his party was his consistent advocacy of the freedom of the press.

empirical: the definition of empirical is something that is based solely on experiment or experience (adjective)

   synonym: advancement / assistance / backing

     His method was empirical, and the laws which he established were generally the result of repeated experiment.

15 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

Week 8

welfare: health (noun)

   synonym: benefit / prosperity / interest

     A perfect government would care more about the welfare of its people than anyone else.

discrete: separate (adjectives)

   synonym: disconnected / distinct / various

     Your left arm and right arm are controlled by two discrete areas of the brain

deduce: figure out (verb)

   synonym: deduct / glean / infer

     By analysing the bones, we can deduce when the animal lived and, maybe, how it died.

facilitate: make easier (verb)

   synonym: aid / ease / expedite

     Classical music, unlike many types of music will generally facilitate learning and improve memory.

institute: start (a system) (verb)

   synonym: activate / actualize

     In january, will instate a plan to make car accident less frequent.

orient: become in line with a point (verb)

   synonym: adapt / adjust / align

     The statues appear to be oriented toward the sunrise.

pursue: follow hard (verb)

   synonym: go after / seekstar

     The baby elephant ran but the pack of lions pursued it 

Week 7

justify: legitimize, substantiate (verb)

   synonym: advocate / condone / confirm

     Although milos explained for a long time, he could not justify borrowing his brother’s car without asking.

negate: make not true (verb)

   synonym: -

     Studying late into the night might help you learn more but sleeping less negate the positive effects

retain: keep (verb)

   synonym: absorb / cling to / contain

     Originally from France jean retains a hint of her French accent even today

constrain: limit activity of (verb)

   synonym: bind / constrict / curbstar

     Popular belief says that a pet fish's size is constrained by the site the size of the tank, but this is actually false.

constitute: be the pieces that make (verb)

   synonym: create / establish / aggregate

     Fifty states constitute the U.S.A.

emerge: come out (verb)

   synonym: appear / arrive / come up

     After a winter spend sleeping the bear emerges from cave.

consist: be made of (verb)

   synonym: dwell / subsist / abide

     The U.S. consists of fifty states.

Week 6

contribute: help by giving  (verb)

   synonym: add / commit / devote

     Over the past three years my parents have not contributed to my university tuition

notion : idea, belief (noun)

   synonym: approach / assumption / concept

     I think the professor’s notion to fun was different from the student’s notion of fun.

debate: argue (noun)

   synonym: argument / contest / controversy

    The importance of space travel is strongly debated

precise: exact (adjective)

   synonym: actual / clear-cut / correct

     Because at the pirates weren't certain of the precise location of the gold, they dug holes all over the island.

labor: work (noun)

   synonym: activity / employment / energy

     Juan was surprised at how much labor was needed to finish his project on time.

considerable: enough to be important (adjective)

   synonym: ample / appreciable / astronomical

     A considerable number of popular sports were invented in only the last 100 years

Week 5

interpret: figure out the meaning (verb)

   synonym: clarify / construe / decipher

     The students could not interpret the extremely old book because the pages were hard to read.

invest: spend to earn more (verb)

   synonym: devote / lend / provide

     If you want to learn another language, you will have to invest a lot your time.

secure: attach well (verb)

   synonym: protected / defended / guarded

     Please tightly secure the surfboards on top of the car.

proceed: begin or continue (verb)

   synonym: begin over / begin where one left off / carry on

     We will not proceed with the construction until someone tells us it's safe to build here

regulates : control (verb)

   synonym: adjust / administer / balance

     Parents regulate the amount of time kids spend playing games on their phones.

reside: live in (verb)

   synonym: consist / dwell / endure

     I reside in sunny California.

conflict: be impossible together (verb)

   synonym: battle / clash / combat

     We want to eat delicious food, but that sometimes conflicts with our need be healthy.

Week 4

 lecture: long classroom talk (noun)

   synonym: addres / discourse / instruction

     Professor Jackson's lectures are too long; I always fall asleep.

accurate: correct (about information) (adjective)

   synonym: authentic / careful / definite

     That test is not an accurate test of intelligence.

emphasize: show extra importance (verb)

   synonym: accentuate / affirm / asser

     Most modern art emphasizes creavity and emotion, not skill.

shift: move a little (verb)

   synonym: -

     Please help me shift the table as it is easier for people to sit down.

expose: show something hidden (verb)

   synonym: bare / bring to light / disclose

     The politician’s crimes were exposed and he was forced to leave his positio

attribute: a give credit for (verb)

   synonym: accredit / attribute / charge 

     The museum director attributed the recently discovered painting to Van Gogh.

obtain: acquire (verb)

   synonym: access / achieve / attain 

     After lots of looking, Jorge obtained a job  and apartment in  NYC