synonym: blend / intermingle / meld
After his final peace with Seleucus, Ptolemy no longer engaged actively in war, although his forces might occasionally mingle in the broils of Asia Minor, and he supported the enemies of Macedonia in Greece.
comprehension: understanding (noun)
synonym: apprehension / awareness / apperception
"Carmen," he groaned in a singular expression of comprehension and grief.
assessment: the definition of an assessment is a test or analysis (noun)
synonym: appraisal / estimate / judgment / computation
Talal's assessment of there being something wrong returned to her.
inclined: having a preference (adjective)
synonym: apt / prone / willing / disposed
She was inclined to decline his offer.
apparent : seeming, not proven real (adjective)
synonym: possible / probable / supposed
It was apparent by the look on Jackson's face.
struggle: hard try; fight to win (noun)
synonym: attempt / battle / clash
Every struggle is a victory.
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